Ripple (XRP)

Ripple is the name of the company that created the Ripple payment platform as well as the XRP token. Ripple’s…

Return on Investment (ROI)

Return on Investment (“ROI”) is a ratio or percentage value that reflects the profitability or efficiency of a particular transaction…

Rising Wedge

A The Rising Wedge is a chart pattern formed by drawing two ascending trend lines, one representing a high and…

Retail Aggregator

A Retail Aggregator is a term used for online broker-dealers who stream quotes from top Forex traders to retail clients…

Reserve Currency

A Reserve Currency is currency held by a central bank as part of its foreign exchange reserves. Reserve currency, also…

Reward to Risk Ratio (RRR)

Reward to Risk Ratio (RRR) measures a trade’s potential return relative to its predetermined risk of loss. The ratio is…


Risk refers to the potential financial loss or uncertainty of investment returns. Actual returns from an investment may differ from…

Risk-reward ratio

Risk-reward ratio is a risk management concept in trading that helps traders evaluate the potential profit of a trade relative…

Risk-free principal

A Risk-free principal is a brokerage or dealer firm that simultaneously buys and sells securities in two separate but offsetting…


REKT (or rekt) is a misspelling of "wrecked". “Getting rekt” refers to a cryptocurrency trader who is completely bankrupt due…